Overlay template
Vudoo avatar
Written by Vudoo
Updated over a week ago

Overlay templates can be accessible when you are building an overlay. To learn how to build an overlay, click here. 

To choose from your templates:

  • Add in a checkpoint 

  • When choosing a template, scroll to the bottom of the options and select “Choose from your templates”

  • This is where the range of templates for overlays you have previously created will be 


You will be able to choose from a range of templates that you have created when building overlays for other videos.


When you are opening a hotpot template, it will show a label saying “Edit this label”, this is because with a hotspot pin, you can not put a label with it. You will be able to see the pin name that has been given to the hotspot. This is how you will identify the hotspot when analysing your results. 

It is important to name your hotspot pins as your place in your video, as it will make it easier to understand throughout analysis. 

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