Add an overlay
Vudoo avatar
Written by Vudoo
Updated over a week ago

An overlay, also called a checkpoint, can act as an additional layer of information. It can be used to create forms such as signing up to a newsletter, subscribing to a service, showcasing a product and many other ways. Overlays are great tool to optimize within your video, as they can then be used for data analytics and therefore assist in making those data driven decisions.

Here’s how you do it:

  • Under the interactions tab, select checkpoint

  • You should name the checkpoint – this will become important when analysing the results. 

TIP: When it comes to positioning the checkpoint, the same principle as the pins apply. You can drag the bar along the player to position it. Or, with a checkpoint you have the option under where you’ve named the checkpoint, to set the checkpoint so that it appears at the end of the video. 

HINT: Adding a checkpoint interaction towards the end or at the end of the video will create a better user experience and higher conversion. 

If you are using the checkpoint in a way that collects user information, such as signing up to a newsletter, it is best practice to set that particular checkpoint as an end frame. This will ensure that your viewers stay within the video for majority of the time. 

Once you have positioned where you would like the checkpoint to arrive, select “Create Overlay”, this will take you to a page in which you select the type of template to use for the checkpoint. 

NOTE: There are four template options to choose from. 

  1. Product showcase: This is the most common choice as it allows for complete design of the form. 

  2. Image slideshow: The template is best used for showcasing a particular product or works great for a campaign reel show. 

  3. Custom form: Allows for lead generation and promotions to directly populate your database through a custom designed form. 

  4. Long content: This template provides the opportunity to display the extra detail that your video may require. This could range from campaign or product details to some further context around your company. 

To select the template of the checkpoint click on the template you wish to use and click on the blue button labelled “Select”

HINT: Click here to learn how to customise an overlay. 

  • Once you are happy with the design of your overlay, select the blue button that says “I’m done here, back to video editor” 

  • You have now built and positioned your overlay. All that's left to do is to be save and publish it. Click on the box that say “Publish checkpoint” and then “Save checkpoint” 

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